Emotion Coaching
Anxiety Treatment
I believe that the number one best thing that a parent can do for their anxious child is to learn how to best support their child's anxiety by learning strategies and tools to help their child cope.
I spent the majority of my career specializing in anxiety. Anxiety counselling for children and teenagers can help them develop coping strategies, emotional regulation techniques and cognitive-behavioural tools to reduce symptoms of anxiety. However, I believe that what the parent does and how they react to that anxiety makes the biggest difference. For this reason, I also recommend that parents who have a child with anxiety try counselling for parenting support before putting their child in counselling.
In a session focused on your child's anxiety, you will learn best practices to support your child including strategies that help and strategies you may want to avoid. I have training in specific areas of anxiety, such as:
social anxiety
separation anxiety
obsessive-compulsive disorder and tics
sleep anxiety and nightmares
generalized anxiety
panic disorder
selective mutism